The Court Of Camelot
By - Baz Cann
There once was a king of which we've heard a lot,
Who went by the name Arthur of Camelot,
Went forth righting wrongs clad in armour and fur,
Wielding a great weapon known as Excalibur.
A great rounded table around which they sat,
A'drinking and eating, and chewing the fat,
Deciding with honour the day's undertaking,
Set out on a mission, all of their own making.
To seek a great grail was the general task,
With as much conviction as any could ask,
As seen in a vision by Merlin the wise,
Who had to be seen in some sort of disguise.
It's said that Merlin was neither man nor beast,
But a successful magician to Arthur's court at least,
The knights of the round table hurried away,
To seek out the chalice by the end of the day.
The quest for the grail had a difficulty,
Only those of pure heart had the vision to see,
Which made it a challenge to every knight,
To bring it to Camelot, or keep it in sight.
The legend continues such; it just wasn't found,
The grail had quite simply gone into the ground,
For all we can tell, it's still hidden away,
Until one with the vision does find it one day.
